Sunday, October 12, 2008

Eating cream puffs for breakfast

Hello blogging community. You look well today. I am well too. I have good news for you. I didn't blow up at Purdue. My swim was decent. I was within 2 seconds of my predicted time. My bike was a bit weak but I picked up spots on the swimmers ahead of me to set up my run. On the run I had a steady first 5k at 6:15's then worked the last 5k at 6:05's for a 2nd overall finish on a fairly strong field. What is that you say, blogging community? You thought I would blow up, like a marshmallow peep in a microwave? How rude. But yes, I thought I would too.

In other news, the drink of choice for the fall is Captain Morgans and Cider. But be careful, blogging community. You can't really taste the rum and I know how you have a problem holding your liquor. Remember when we were tailgating two weeks ago and you puked on that nice girl's shoes? Oh you don't? Well that's no surprise. You should always drink responsibly, blogging community. You embarrassed both of us last time.


Tracy said...

Ha, you always crack me up. Congrats on the race!! And peeps really blow up in the microwave? Hmm. So many questions...

Michelle said...

I remember those days well!

RobbyB said...

I can think of better ways to introduce yourself to girls than vomiting. But then again, I think I'm losing touch with the kids these days.

Sweet said...

Nice end-o-the-season race!

Did you know we raced each other at Purdue last year? I did it on a whim (it was 2 weeks after WI last year). I liked their old venue- the new course was a pool swim and in-town run correct?