Overall stats 22.6 mph for the bike with a good portion into major headwinds, 7:27's for the run in the proper zone. He's heating up!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Heating UP!
Overall stats 22.6 mph for the bike with a good portion into major headwinds, 7:27's for the run in the proper zone. He's heating up!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
RETULing my bike
I have been thinking about a fitting for a while now, despite having reasonable success fitting myself. I just felt I needed it to be spot on. A lot of fitters just eyeball it with a static fit. Essentially, as you go through your pedal stroke, they stop you at different intervals and look at the angles your body is making. It is good, but it is still cutting a corner. Biking is a dynamic motion so to truly get a proper fit, it should be a dynamic fitting. Basically this means the angles are measured as you are pedaling.
I figured a static fit was something I could do myself. I needed the best dynamic fit that I could find.
This is where Retul comes in. It is a company based in Boulder that is making noise in the tri industry and fitting a ton of pros. Retul is a bike fitting system that incorporates three-dimensional motion capture technology to provide what they claim is an incredibly accurate dynamic fitting solution. In theory, the result is that the rider will have a true fit to his or her bike, maximizing efficiency and performance while avoiding discomfort or injury. Sound good? It did to me but I was skeptical.
I set about looking for a Retul fitter in my area. Luckily my favorite shop, Win’s wheels, offered Retul. Win’s wheels is an amazing shop with phenomenal mechanics who don’t miss a thing. They have done everything for me from gluing tubulars to total drive train overhauls. I love the work they do so I was thrilled that they offered what I was looking for.
The truth would be told out on the roads. To date it has been about a month of putting the fit through the motions. Immediately I noticed more glute activation and felt super smooth, and powerful. I was very comfortable. It was an incredible night and day feeling. My eyeball fit wasn’t bad, but the Retul fit was mind-blowing. I wondered if it would translate to speed… My thought was it may have compromised some aerodynamics which I wasn’t too pleased about.
I did a few TT’s and, to my surprise, things were looking good but only racing matters.
I recently raced Rev3 and when I hopped on my bike, I felt like I was floating. The speed was coming! I biked my way from 5 minutes back in wave 2 to the front of the race. I couldn’t believe it. I had the 2nd fastest bike split, only back by 3 seconds to a guy who biked 4:45 at Ironman Florida! The crazy thing was how easy it was. The effort was SUPER controlled and I felt smooth and efficient the whole day. I guess this Retul thing works! If you spend 2 grand on a bike, spend another couple hundred and make that thing work for you. It is totally worth it. Don’t cut corners!
HELP! I've got the sniffles!!!!!!
After a completely clean year (aside from Dengue fever and massive food poisoning early in the year) I am getting a bit of a scratchy throat. Couldn’t come at a worse time as I am starting my last massive training block before Florida. It is one of those colds that kind of saps your energy but not enough to really do damage. To illustrate, I just did a 16.5 mile run with no ill effects.
You’re probably saying, “ HOLY CRAP… I am totally in panic mode!!! LOL. What if this wrecks his totally awesome prep for Florida. He’s my hero and I can’t see him like this!!!!!! L”
Settle down, bloggers. No worries cuz I am all over it like Lindsey Lohan over a little bag of cocaine or Lady Gaga over some tasteless and offensive outfit. Here are my methods-
Mainlining pure cranberry juice and tea
Miso Soup
Popping B and C vitamins like Jan Ullrich pops ecstasy or m&m’s
This is an EMERGEN-C so I am reaching out to you, Bloggers. In your infinite wisdom, what do you do for colds? It needs to be fool-proof. COMMENT PLEASE!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Rev 3 Correction!
For some reason a 4:26 is way more satisfying than a 4:27. Especially on a super windy day.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Rev3 Race Report
Epic Weekend Part II: The race
I woke up feeling pretty good. The wind was 14-17 mph. Huge. The temp was perfect.
Swim was a point to point in Lake Eerie. We got going on the beach start and I was moving ok and feeling pretty comfortable. No chop but a strong current coming back into shore slowed the times down… Finished in 29 min and well positioned (Not fast but it was a strong swim in tough conditions)
I was filmed in transition. The guy ran up to me as I was dropping f bombs and struggling with my wetsuit. I tried to stifle the profanities to no avail. I have a sailor's mouth.
Shitty transition and I was off on my bike with my new race tires and slipperly specialized TT2 aero helmet. I took off like a bat out of hell and within minutes saw evotri teammate, Chris Sweet. He is an awesome athlete, so I knew I was having one of those days where things are firing on all cylinders. I was grinding the pedals in a massive gear but feeling super smooth and sort of floating. I smashed through the bike, despite pretty beefy winds and finished with the second fastest split about 3 seconds back of the fastest…I literally biked through field by mile 40. The guy with the fastest split passed me back and smashed the last 10 miles into a stiff headwind to earn the top split honors. Mad props to Alex Gonzalez. I got off the bike with an honest 2:21 (Awesome split given the wind and the placing).
I was in 2nd coming into T2 and down by no more than 30 seconds to Alex, who technically was 5 minutes back as he was in the 1st wave. I ripped through T2 and settled into a comfortable run pace. By mile 1, I was leading the race again! Short lived as about 2 minutes later Brian Kaminski moved by me pretty quick. He ran away with the race big time clicking off 6 minute miles easily. I was chipping through the miles pretty well and feeling comfortable…the crowds were amazing and kept me smiling. By mile 4, a young kid from the Canadian development squad ran through me… Great, I thought, now I am gonna slide back through the field. He put 30 seconds into me and I thought I would never see him again. I turned a corner at mile six only to see him walking. No nutrition, no water on him. Inexperienced Cannuck athlete but definitely strong. I figured I just needed to hang around until mile 9 and see what was what. He took several walk breaks and I chipped into his lead. I had accumulated some lady admirers on the run as the run weaved through town and they were encouraging me to hunt him down. It was America vs. Canada in the ultimate grudge match. President Obama was at an aid station, screaming expletives and spittling all over the place. Inspiring stuff. By mile 8, I was on his back. We stopped at an aid station and then started the duel. Toby Keith was belting out I love America ballads and losing his mind as I jumped off the front and blasted the next mile at 6:10. I looked back and he was gone!! I repassed!!!!! I took a piece of apple pie covered in melted American cheese at the next aid station but that mile had taken it out of me big time and I had slacked on drinking. I suffered back to the finish line but held a solid pace of 7 flat. I actually negative split the thing somehow. Victory for America, eh. Run: 1:33 for a 7:06 pace. Not great but felt really easy and ran smart...I had a ton left in the tank so I'm looking forward to doing another half distance race to really push the half marathon.
I finished in SECOND OVERALL in a legit 4:27! (might have been 4:26 as I think the timing was a bit off) Either way it is a PR in very windy conditions. The whole team was awesome. Charlie, his wife Lisa and the Sarahs were awesome out there and rolled through the race like it was pie. Robbie B led the whole race out of the water and finished strong. Chris Sweet, despite minimal training, absolutely smashed the race and ran through the field on the run to finish 5th! Absolutely ridiculous. Michele showed serious class and is going to tear up Kona. Team Evotri represented big time with a bunch of PRs and killing it overall. Also, Simply SSSSStuuu announced the race as master of ceremonies. He is amazing and I just love this team.
It was surreal coming down the finish line in probably my best result in a big race. I was praying the whole day and God answered my prayers letting me race to my fitness and stay strong and smart the whole day. I am so grateful to the people in my life who help me do this sport. My family, friends, and teammates allow me to have unbelievable experiences like this that just make me so incredibly happy. But the biggest thanks goes to Caitlin. She is the love of my life and keeps me honest in training. She bikes with me on my long runs, supports unwaveringly, and is all around my best thing going. After the race, I talked to her, my best friend, Matt Inch, and my Mom and I was just over the moon to tell them how it went. It was one of those days.
Monday, September 13, 2010
You want a Revolution?
The weekend agenda was the evotri team race: Rev 3 Cedar Point. I was pretty pumped about this race because I got to meet up with the team and because the Rev 3 series is KILLING it right now. The venues, the atmosphere, the coverage, and the athlete treatment are destroying WTC. If you haven’t done one, get on it. They are stellar. "They have a real solution to bleeping M dot price inflation and pro abuse... if you'd love to see the plan you can at Rev3tri.com."- John Lennon
I got into Sandusky and immediately took a quick run… Proved to be pretty eventful as I was in the projects and didn’t have access to the standard running garb so I was shirtless and in compression tights. Needless to say it was a spectacle. I ran by a guy who was dropping the eff bomb on the phone like crazy… as I ran by his jaw dropped and the eff bombs ceased entirely.
"Imagine all the people in the slums of Cleveland, running around in stupid tights, living for today."- John Lennon
After that, I met up with the team for some beer and food in Cleveland. We then headed to Cedar Point for some mildly drunken roller coaster rides.
The park was shut down which was ridiculous. We ran from coaster to coaster and basically road until we were sick. Highlights of the park were riding in the front of the top thrill dragster with Robbie B and riding next to Michele on the Maverick and watching her nearly boot all over the back of Robbie’s seat. To her credit, she kept the unholy slurry of mushroom and sausage pizza and several heavy beers down.
"What on earth you tryin' to do? Eatin' sausage pizza, drinkin' beers, ridin' coasters? Instant Karma's gonna get you."- you get it.
The next day was pretty standard pre race stuff except the last part. I capped the night off with Chris Sweet and Laura from Team Trakkers. They were wandering in our hotel and saw a giant Linus (from peanuts) mascot dancing in a club with strobe lights going off. He was dancing alone so we joined him for the electric slide, the sprinkler, and other similar pseudo dancing. There was a family with two 6-8 yr old girls. We were going balls out on the dance floor and the Linus mascot was dancing as well as a person can in a giant foam suite with barely any ventilation. Very weird.
"And Jet, I thought the Major was a Lady Suffragette. JET! JET!"- Paul McCartney (off topic for this blog and who knows what the hell he is talking about, but Paul was a hard drug user, raging lunatic, and couldn't focus to save his life)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ride, Recover, Race Rev3
The conditions were pretty great and we were smacking it into a headwind. Low HR and a 22.8 mph average for a comfortable effort. We turned around and cruised at 23.2 mph average back. Really solid pace given about an average HR of 138 or so. I left DQ and headed back through the canyons back home. Hoping I can train with him more as he is good company. Anyway, heading back home, I was greeted by a 103 degree hot box in place of Calabasas. It was like biking through the pits of hell or a really warm Cincinatti. Turns out, a bottle and half of water lasts about 10 minutes in hell/ Cinci. I suffered back and decided to cut the run... I was pissed as I was feeling spritely and ready to get into it...but 103 is something I am not uber thrilled about. Maybe if I was training for Kona.
Recovery from that ride was quick, but once I got into real recovery mode I realized the block of training had taken me deeper than I thought. Legs felt like acid and mac n cheese and lungs struggled to get working on easy days. I have finally come around and I am feeling ready to race. I am getting used to how long it takes to truly recover from big IM blocks. My biggest one is coming up and I am pumped to get into it. But right now, I am really only looking at this weekend.
Half Ironman @ Rev3 in cedar point. With the evotri team!