Monday, April 19, 2010

Last Dominican Blog entry

Today is my last day in the Dirty D for about 3-4 months. Surprisingly, I didn’t succumb to the abuse that this country dished out in droves.

Now bloggers, don’t cry. I will be back to this mystical and disgustingly humid land to teach again. Most likely science. Dry your eyes and wipe your snotty nose, you pathetic goblin.

Anyway, you may ask, “But JP, what ever ARE you going to do with your last day? LOL!”

To which I would respond, “I wish you wouldn’t use LOL ever again but I’ll still answer your question. It all revolved around food.”

Here’s what I did/ am doing… First on the docket was a breakfast with Caitlin. We have a ritual where I get up 15 minutes early, make breakfast and then we sit down to coffee and food together. Today was no different but I just appreciated it a bit more.

After that, I decided to go to my favorite coffee shop, La Cafetera, for one last Cappuccino. They have mind melting coffee. I sat next to an old lady who told me I should be in school at this time. She thought I was 16 and would be a good match for her 17 yr old daughter. I told her I was grown ass man of 24 and to shut the H-E-double hockey sticks UP. JK JK LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

After that it was time to taxi over to the aeropuerto. I had a taxista who spoke some serious Dominican Spanish. It was sort of a test for me to see how much I had learned in my stay here pertaining to legit Dominican Spanish. I failed. I probably understood 20% of what he said. To be fair, I think this is a success as I don’t know if anyone outside of his wife would have understood him. I got to the airport and topped my last meal with 2 overpriced quipes. For those ignorant bloggers out there, a quipe is similar to a falafel but is stuffed with meat and shaped like a tiny delicious football. My favorite Dominican food by far and the ones I had were probably the best quipe I have had since I have been here. Now I am here, Soon I will be there. To the DR, it’s not goodbye… just see you later. Gracias a Dios. Adios.

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